It’s a new year with new opportunities to get support for your team’s objectives! You are riding on an elevator with someone that can really help maintain or improve your operational resilience process. 👇Here is an example of an elevator speech you can deliver in 30-60 seconds with a high probability of success: “With challenges …
🎯If you are already focused on 2025’s Top Operational Risks, consider planning for the following: 🧩IT Systems Impact: availability of equipment, systems, applications, and concerns with cyber security and ransomware events.🧩Supply Chain Resilience: ongoing impacts of procuring and delivering products, second and third-tier supplier and customer issues.🧩Natural Incidents: weather, natural-based events, climatological trends.🧩Facility Impact: equipment …
🔗Leadership and Resilience are closely linked by definition and execution! 👏👏👏Thanks, Elad Granot for having me address your John Carroll University Graduate Leadership and Managerial Skills class this evening. 🥇The topic of Excellence in Operational Resilience was shared with future leaders whose goal includes:✅Having a clear roadmap of effective leadership✅Learn about leadership at the individual …
🎯Every year I set a goal of completing a significant challenge. Something that takes quite a bit of planning and executing. I’ve been doing this since joining The Mayfield Academy of Jiu Jitsu & Karate in my teens where I’m still an active member. 🏆The sit up record in 2016 was significant and included the following 👇“TEAM …
🗝The Enterprise Resilience and Crisis Leadership Council of The Conference Board had the unique opportunity to visit The Airship Operations of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. 🥇Thanks to Chris Kostiuk and Huw Marsden for making it happen and to Tim Mathews, Evan Ladao and Anthony J. Pigninelli for managing top notch logistics. 🎯We focused …
In the fast-paced world of business, obstacles are inevitable. The real challenge lies not in avoiding them, but in overcoming them. Operational resilience, the ability to absorb and adapt to disruptions while maintaining core functions, is at the heart of thriving organizations. I recently shared insights in my latest article on the Risk and Resilience …
Personal resilience is defined as an ability to be strong, persistent, tenacious, and tough. Striving for operational resilience is a journey with a roadmap that integrates all operational activities under a clear management structure. Although difficult, it is possible to be both personally and operationally resilient. When you combine both capabilities, it is evident, and …
Having a roadmap to attaining resilience and documenting your journey is essential toreaching goals. Three important roadmap components are featured throughout the book,including the development of plans, continuous improvement of them, and a focus on theright leadership behaviors to gain consensus and stay aligned on your journey. Thischapter highlights the right tools, teams, talent, and …
The benefits of planning for risks and effectively managing them are introduced in thischapter. Examples of how a resilient organization can use common risks as anopportunity to gain competitive advantage are included. Risks can have major negativeoperational and financial impacts when not managed well. However, they can also helpattract more customers and grow market share. …
You better your odds of success in attaining resilience when your teams are well synchedand operating on a common mission. This chapter provides suggestions on selectingteam roles and functions based on your organization’s structure, including how tosuccessfully engage teams and manage handoffs between them. An organizationalassessment confirms how structuring operationally resilient roles provides immediatebenefits. Form …
The concept of resilient deployment includes executing strategic activities through anagreed-upon project schedule with a clear understanding of how every item ties back tothe organization’s mission. Specific examples of immediate priorities based upon longand short-term planning are shared. Objectives that are aligned across all business unitsare part of an annual operating plan. The current year …
Common objectives that are well defined, communicated, and understood supportresilient deployment strategies. Obstacles to meeting team objectives are shared. Anannual objective-setting process should be aligned with the organization’s mission. Therole of human resources, direct managers, and operational leadership in the objective-setting process is shown. Every team supporting operational resilience should haverelevant objectives. Objectives for global …
A maturity model provides value in determining the progress being made on operationalresilience objectives and the capabilities for continuous improvement. The initial step isselecting the maturity model components. The Professional Practices for BusinessContinuity Management is the basis for the maturity model in this chapter. Each of theProfessional Practices have a defined objective with operational benefits. …
There are various ways in which you can maintain momentum once you believe you haveattained excellence in operational resilience. You can rely on other teams in yourorganization to help maintain momentum. For example, internal audit plays a key role inproviding an objective analysis of progress during facility or process audits. Providingthem training along with an …
Excellence in Operational Resilience
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How to Lead, Follow and Guide the Way.