
“Resilience” is defined as having the ability to embrace, adapt, maintain, and improve. To be ready for and recover rapidly from setbacks and disruptions. To be “tough”. It is defined in many ways including the overall management of risk. By having an expansive view of resilience, risks are better managed, critical processes are well maintained, and you thrive regardless of expected and unforeseen circumstances. All organizations benefit by having a process in place to manage risk effectively. The ones doing that the best have resilient leaders who know how to balance a variety of challenges.

My journey engaging teams in leading, following, and guiding toward operational resilience continues in a variety of ways, including empowering others to be the most effective in the management of risks. I am thrilled to be able to share some of what has worked for me and for teams I’ve led, and I’m confident it can benefit you as well.


Providing essential guidance to thrive in a complex environment, this book showcases tools to take the leadership role in the process of building resilience in any organization in a timely, effective, and practical way for today’s risks and tomorrow’s challenges.


Providing essential guidance to thrive in a complex environment, this book showcases tools to take the leadership role in the process of building resilience in any organization in a timely, effective, and practical way for today’s risks and tomorrow’s challenges.

Lead with Resilience,

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