Sustaining Excellence in Operational Resilience: Strategies for Continuous Improvement

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  • Sustaining Excellence in Operational Resilience: Strategies for Continuous Improvement

There are various ways in which you can maintain momentum once you believe you have
attained excellence in operational resilience. You can rely on other teams in your
organization to help maintain momentum. For example, internal audit plays a key role in
providing an objective analysis of progress during facility or process audits. Providing
them training along with an audit checklist helps to verify expectations are being met.
External audits and surveys from customers also validate team effectiveness. Business
continuity action lists are an effective way to document best practices in relation to a
variety of common risks and incidents. An action list is included in this chapter. Having
an annual event where teams plan for common risks gets local and external teams aligned
on actions that support resilience. Developing playbooks for team training also helps
maintain momentum. Focusing on your associates through a campaign such as Global
Preparedness Month lets them know they remain the organization’s top priority.
Benchmarking other organizations helps set targets for continuous improvement.
Certification of individuals and organizations helps you determine what is best in class,
what is world class, and what is right for your organization.

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